Book Talk

New Narratives on the Peopling of America

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

1:00 PM

In New Narratives on the Peopling of America, editors T. Alexander Aleinikoff and Alexandra Délano Alonso present an extraordinary collection of original essays that reshape our understanding of the peopling of the United States. This thought-provoking volume goes beyond conventional accounts of immigration by reexamining narratives about foreign-born populations in the United States. It situates them as part of a larger story of forced displacement and dispossession that needs to include indigenous people, enslaved persons, deported and returned migrants, and those residing in territories and foreign nations acquired by the United States.

The diverse range of contributors—which include academics, journalists, artists, legal scholars, and activists—confront complex topics such as migration, racial justice, tribal sovereignty, and the pursuit of equality. As nationalism, globalization, and economic challenges reshape the social and political landscape, this timely volume calls for a reevaluation and reconstruction of national narratives of belonging. Challenging nativist tropes and offering broader understandings of collective history, this pathbreaking book centers issues of race and dispossession in the story of the American people.

New Narratives on the Peopling of America is an essential resource for students and a compelling read for general readers seeking a deeper understanding of the complex tapestry of American identity.

Contributors: Neil Agarwal; T. Alexander Aleinikoff; Jill Anderson; Kwame Anthony Appiah; Hana Brown; Alexandra Délano Alonso; Allison Dorsey; Taylor Dow; Maria Cristina Garcia; Justin Gest; Daniel Immerwahr; Jennifer A. Jones; Katy Long; Maggie Loredo; Dakota Mace; Ruth Milkman; Ana Raquel Minian; Carlos Motta; Mae Ngai; Eboo Patel; QUEEROCRACY; Marco Saavedra; Cinthya Santos Briones; Rogers M. Smith; Pireeni Sundaralingam; Héctor Tobar; Jesús I.Valles; Wendy A. Vogt; John Weeks


Mae Ngai, Lung Family Professor of Asian American Studies and Professor of History, Columbia University


Maggie Loredo, Co-Director, Otros Dreams en Acción

Dakota Mace, Photographer, Center for Design and Material Culture, University of Wisconsin – Madison

Ruth Milkman, Chair of Labor Studies Department, City University of New York

Marco Saavedra, Artist and Mutual Aid Activist

Cynthia Santos-Briones, Visual Artist, Educator, and Cultural Organizer


T. Alexander Aleinikoff, Dean, The New School for Social Research; Director, Zolberg Institute on Migration and Mobility

Alexandra Délano Alonso, Associate Professor of Global Studies, The New School

US Immigration Immigration nativist