Climate-Induced Migration
- Overview
- Climate-Induced Migration in Vulnerable Neighborhoods of Coastal Cities of Sub-Saharan Africa
- Global Governance of Environmental Mobility
- Home Equals Resilient Settlements: Addressing Climate Migration Through Housing Investments
- Platform for the Integration of Migrants
- The New School Collaborative on Climate Futures
The New School Collaborative on Climate Futures
The climate crisis is not a calamity distant in space and time. It is happening, here, now, in New York City, with rising temperatures and rising sea-levels. It is accelerating refugees flows from South and Central America north to the US border. It is devastating seacoasts, forests, and island communities with increasingly powerful weather events and fires. The New School has the potential—indeed, responsibility—to respond intelligently and creatively, sensitive to the ways in which the climate crisis disproportionately harms communities of color in this nation and around the world.
The New School Collaborative on Climate Futures affirms and fosters the University’s commitment to interdisciplinary, far-sighted, action-oriented and social justice-driven responses to anthropogenic climate change. The Collaborative is a way to bring together the resources of the University around a compelling set of issues—through joint and interdisciplinary courses, research, investigation, practice and performance. The Collaborative aims to build bridges among units that support new ways of thinking and teaching, new vocabularies, and new forms of practice.
More information Coming Soon