
Global Strategic Litigation Council for Refugee Rights

Legal & Advocacy Support

The Council directly supports its members with litigation and/or legal advocacy. We regularly support on tasks such as litigation strategy, sourcing expert reports, brief writing, legal research, drafting/reviewing pleadings, coalition-building and more. To request the Council’s support on a case, please join the Council by filling out this form and fill out our Support Request form (en español disponible aquí)

If you are a lawyer or expert interested in providing support to other members of the Council, please do join the Council and get in touch with our team at 

Amicus Interventions: 

The Council also regularly intervenes as amicus on international law matters in courts across the world. You can read some of the Council’s most recent amicus briefs here:

Amicus Brief challenging the Deprivation of Citizenship To Children Born of Refugee and Kenyan National Parents Filed in The High Court of Kenya

Amicus Brief regarding the Access To Citizenship of Refugee Spouses of Kenyan Nationals Filed in The High Court of Kenya

Oral submission on the written Amicus Brief (below) in response to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights’ Advisory Opinion on the Climate Emergency and Human Rights (in English) – co-filed with a Coalition of Carribean Civil Society Organizations

Amicus Brief in response to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights’ Advisory Opinion on the Climate Emergency and Human Rights (in English) – co-filed with a Coalition of Carribean Civil Society Organizations

Amicus Brief regarding the Principle of Non-refoulement, Complementary Protection & Family Unity (in English and Spanish) – filed in the Constitutional Court of Colombia

Amicus Brief in Response to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights’ Advisory Opinion on the Right to Care (in English and Spanish) – co-filed with Cristosal.

Amicus Brief challenging Conditions of Detention in Mexico (in English and Spanish) – co-filed with the International Detention Coalition in the Nineth Collegiate Court on Administrative Matters of The First Circuit

Amicus Brief regarding the Unconstitutionality of Mexico’s Eception of Migrants/Asylum-Seekers Under Title 42 (in English and Spanish) – Filed in the Nineteenth Collegiate Court on Administrative Matters of the First Circuit

Amicus Briefing regarding Delays in the Colombian Asylum Procedure, Violations of Due Process and Asylum-Seekers’ Right to Work (In English and Spanish) – filed in the Constitutional Court of Colombia

Amicus Brief regarding the Mass Cancellation of Citizenship for Colombian-Venezuelans (in English And Spanish) – filed in the Constitutional Court of Colombia

Amicus Brief regarding Alternatives to Detention in Mexico (In English and Spanish) – co-filed with the International Detention Coalition in the First Chamber of the Mexican Supreme Court

Amicus Brief regarding Colombia’s Obligations Regarding Pushbacks at Bogotá Airport (In English and Spanish)

Vélez Loor v. Panama: Amicus Brief on State Obligations to Prevent, Investigate, and Prosecute Torture (In English and Spanish)

Expert Reports:

The Council also supports members by providing expert reports on international law issues in key pieces of strategic litigation on refugee and migrants’ rights. You can find our recent expert reports below:

Expert Report on the Principle of Non-Refoulement as part of Customary International Law filed in the High Court of Malaya in Malaysia

You can read the Council’s most recent statements here:

Read The GSLC’S Statement of Principles in Light of Forced Migration Events in Ukraine and Afghanistan