
New York City

Research projects in collaboration with CBOs

Know your City: data for immigrant communities:  This project aims at creating a Data Center for Immigrant Communities of NYC that will provide more meaningful and representative data depicting with greater accuracy the issues, challenges and opportunities that immigrant communities across NYC face.

Mental health: We propose to develop an online course through The New School (TNS) that trains CBO staff in mental health programs that can be delivered by non-specialists, such as Problem Management Plus (PM+) and Psychological First Aid (PFA). The course will include assessments, experiential learning, and hands-on practice. CBO staff will complete the course better equipped to provide basic mental health care services to their clients. 

Immigrant voting: This student-led project will develop a report that will examine the “legislative history” of the new law, the politics behind it, and the City’s plans for the law’s implementation.

Research projects from New School faculty and graduate students

The Institute established a grants program for faculty research on topics relating to New York City, migration and immigrant communities.

Academic conference of NYC researchers

In Fall 2022, the Institute sponsored a conference with academics, advocates and community-based organizations that will focus on immigrant communities in NYC.

Roundtable with NYC policymakers

The NYC Partnering for Migration Justice Summit took place on Thursday, February 1 and Friday, February 2, 2024 at The New School. The summit featured voices of artists, activists, organizers, researchers, city officials, and community members from across the city, with participants taking part in panel and roundtable discussions. The purpose of the Summit was to deepen and scale up strong and sustainable collaborations between migrant communities and higher education, by prioritizing the voice of migrants, community activists, and migrant-supporting organizations active in the city.

Collaboration with the NYC arts community