Film Screening

The Native and the Refugee: Palestine, Turtle Island, and Spaces of Exception

Friday, Jan 26, 2024

5:00 PM – 7:00 PM

The Native and the Refugee” is a long-term multimedia project by Matt Peterson and Malek Rasamny profiling the terrains of the Indian reservation and the Palestinian refugee camp, “spaces of exception” that have become essential in the struggle for decolonization and indigenous autonomy. While the existence of such spaces is the result of settler-colonialism (albeit at different stages) and are repositories for its ongoing violence, they also open up new possibilities for resistance and for conceptualizing existence outside the boundaries of the nation-state.

Join us in-person for the film screening and conversation with the co-creator, Matt Peterson.


Matt Peterson | Director/Producer

Matt Peterson is an organizer at Woodbine, an autonomous space in New York City. In 2014 he completed feature film on the Tunisian insurrection, Scenes from a Revolt Sustained, with a production grant from the Doha Film Institute. He was a member of the collectives Red Channels and the 16 Beaver Group. His writings have appeared in the Brooklyn Rail, Death+Taxes, Evergreen Review, Idiom, Jeux Sans Frontières, The L, The New Inquiry, and New York Press.

Anna Simone Reumert | Moderator

Anna Simone Reumert is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Zolberg Institute on Migration and Mobility, a political anthropologist. and a gender studies scholar. Her work has appeared in Cultural Anthropology, Mashriq&Mahjar, Merip, Kohl journal for Body and Gender Research, Jadaliyya, among other journals. She has a PhD in Anthropology from Columbia University, and she is currently working on two research projects. Her book manuscript Future Returns follows Sudanese migrant workers in Lebanon and migrant returnees in subsistence farming communities in Sudan during a time of economic and political upheaval in both countries. Her second project, “Sex in Wartime Beirut”, examines the political economy of sex as a weapon of extraction and control in the Lebanese civil war (1975-1990)

Refugees Migration Palestine